This is the number of times the American Congress raised the debt ceiling in the last ten years. This is revealing systemic problems and, at some point, the incapacity of…
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is the amount that a new austerity plan is supposed to save to Italian public finances. The plan aims to bring Italy’s public deficit down to 0.2% of GDP by…
This is the amount of the public debt of Greece. Officials from the Eurozone are debating right now the possibility to accord additional money to the Greek government in a…
This is the amount of money promissed to Egypt and Tunisia by the multilateral development banks at the G8 meeting. This will include grants under the EUs budget for its…
Confirming the analysis found in IREF’s 2011 yearbook, the 2011 Paying Taxes report of the Price Waterhouse Coopers says that reducing rates of profit tax is the most popular tax…
This would be the annual interest on the USA public debt in 2021, according to the estimations made by the economist Veronique de Rugy. This number is nearly triple from…
This is the tax revenue expected by the USA this year, while interest payments on the publicly held debt will be about $200 billion. Contrary to the statements of the…
You can find here a selection of reports and papers on taxation in the EU and in European member States.
This is the world economy real GDP expansion since 1980. It lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.
This is the cumulated budget deficit of the OECD countries in 2010. On average, it represents 7.5 GDP points.