Cars are bad. More cars mean more accidents, pollution, climate change and congestion. Less cars are the way to go, whatever it takes. Or so the story goes. In 1999…
On 25 April 2023, the European Parliament passed the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) as a significant component of the Green Deal Industrial Plan, with 361 votes in favor, 121 against,…
Government interventions and over-borrowing have prepared the way for a re-run of the Global Financial Crisis
Introduction We recently wrote that the enormous losses being handed to taxpayers by Western central banks were in effect the second part of the same bill for the Global Financial…
Soaring prices continue to weigh on Moroccan households, eroding their real income and causing growing discontent among unions. Over the past two years, consumer prices have risen by 6.6% and…
Taxpayer bailouts of central banks and after the Global Financial Crisis
Introduction Governments made major interventions to shore up the financial system during the Global Financial Crisis, which lasted from 2007 until the end of the Eurozone crisis in 2012. These…
Introduction Two years after we last reviewed the fintech sector1, three significant trends are emerging which we explore in the body of this Newsletter: Investors remain wary of the sector…
A few days ago, the Italian leading business newspaper, Il Sole 24 Ore, published an article on economic growth in Europe. The article offered several interesting insights. Notably, it emphasized…
On October 1st, 2023, the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) began its transitional phase, with reporting requirements starting in October 2023 and full charges scheduled for implementation by 2026. The CBAM…
The European Court of Human Rights found the Swiss government guilty for not doing enough to protect the Swiss from climate change and, particularly, from heat waves that affect, above all, the elderly.…
Paternalism is characterized by one’s inclination to override another person’s preferences. This requires that some have a superior understanding of what is in the best interest of the others. Of…