Since their revival in the late 19th century, the Olympic Games have captivated global audiences. Cities often compete eagerly to host the Olympics, driven by promises of economic growth, infrastructure development, and increased tourism. Yet, historical evidence reveals that hosting the Games rarely delivers on these expectations and often leaves host cities saddled with debt, underused facilities, and disrupted economies.
The debate over the Games’ benefits versus costs has grown sharper, with economists increasingly skeptical of financial gains for host nations. While supporters, including the International Olympic Committee (IOC), argue for potential boosts in tourism and prestige, history shows that these economic promises rarely materialize. With the 2024 Paris Olympics recently concluded, the conversation around the Games’ true impact is as heated as ever, sparking calls for reforms.
The Economic Reality of Hosting the Olympics: Costs, Myths, and Lessons
The IOC and its supporters contend that hosting the Olympics can raise a city’s global profile and generate economic benefits through tourism and investments in infrastructure. However, despite pre-Games impact studies promising job creation, increased tourism, and economic growth, post-Games analyses have found that these benefits are frequently exaggerated.
A 2016 study by Robert Baade and Victor Matheson reveals that the IOC and host cities frequently overestimate benefits and miscalculate costs. Since 1960, every Olympics has exceeded its budget, averaging a 172% overrun, except for the 1984 Los Angeles Games, which reused existing infrastructure. A University of Oxford study shows that all 23 host cities examined exceeded their budgets, with Rio and Tokyo facing severe overruns of 352% and 128%, respectively, and 13 experiencing cost overruns over 100%.
Olympic costs vary significantly depending on the host city but typically range from $5 billion to $50 billion, often far exceeding revenues. For example, the London 2012 Games incurred costs of $14.6 billion while generating just $5.2 billion in revenue. Similarly, the Beijing 2008 Games cost an astonishing $42 billion, yielding only $3.6 billion in earnings. More recently, the Tokyo 2020 Games brought in $5.8 billion in revenue against $13 billion in costs. These staggering discrepancies frequently leave host nations grappling with significant financial burdens, often borne by taxpayers over the long term.
Hopes for indirect economic benefits often fall short as well. Studies reveal that job creation is frequently overstated, and tourism can decline due to crowding-out effects and inflated prices. For example, the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics created just 7,000 jobs—only 10% of the official projections—most of which went to already-employed workers. Similarly, only 10% of the 48,000 temporary jobs during the 2012 London Olympics went to the unemployed.
Another persistent challenge with Olympic investments is the emergence of “white elephants”—large, costly venues that see little use after the Games, but require millions in annual maintenance. For example, Beijing’s Bird’s Nest stadium costs an estimated $10 million a year for maintenance, while Montreal took until 2006 to pay off its 1976 Olympic debt after nearly bankrupting the city. Athens’ 2004 Olympic facilities now stand abandoned, contributing to Greece’s debt crisis, and Rio de Janeiro’s 2016 Games left Brazil with crumbling infrastructure and mounting debt. These examples underscore the perils of unsustainable Olympic spending and the long-term economic strain it places on host nations.
Why do the benefits of hosting the Olympics fall short of the projections?
Revenue and job forecasts for mega-events often need to catch up due to the overlooked crowding-out effect, which diminishes the overall positive economic impact, as locals and non-event tourists avoid crowded and costly cities during the Games. A case in point is the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, where general retailers experienced a loss of $167 million despite tourism-related businesses enjoying a $70 million boost.
Moreover, a contributing factor to the problem is the bias present in economic impact studies, which frequently originate from organizations with a stake in advocating for the Games. Politicians and leaders in the tourism sector might have reasons to exaggerate the possible advantages, creating an excessively positive portrayal that may not accurately depict the truth.
To reduce economic risk, some experts suggest hosting the Olympics in a permanent location or encouraging private investment to cover a larger share of costs. Cities could also follow the model of Los Angeles in 1984, which used existing infrastructure and minimized government spending.
Without meaningful reforms—such as enhancing transparency in cost projections and fostering greater private sector involvement—the Olympic Games will remain an extravagance beyond the reach of most cities. The root of the problem lies in centralized decision-making, at least partially guaranteed state funding and the absence of market-driven incentives. Olympic planning is heavily government-controlled. With government entities dominating the planning process, political agendas often precede market realities. Inefficient spending, ballooning budgets, and unsustainable debt burdens for host cities follow.
Photo by Obed Hernández