The culture of the single transgenic maize (MON810 , produced by Monsanto) approved by the European Union has been banned from France. It is the third time since 2008 that…
Lucas Léger

Lucas Léger
Chargé de mission à l’IREF, Lucas Léger est diplômé des Universités de Hambourg et Rotterdam en analyse économique du droit. Il a d’abord été chargé de recherche en macroéconomie pour un {{think tank en Inde}}. Il a ensuite travaillé pour la {{Chambre de commerce européenne en Chine}}, où il était chargé des affaires financières et industrielles. Il est également co-auteur d’un ouvrage sur la mondialisation, [Mondialisation : Consommateur ou acteur ?->article2378]
This long-debated concept by policy makers and economists is coming back. That is because the Government believes that prosperity cannot be recovered without a strict “austerity policy”. But it actually means higher taxes only. Yet, the latest concerns of the French National Assembly on a substantial fall of tax revenues for 2013 raise the question again: has France reached the top of Laffer’s curve?
Globalization is often associated with delocalization and unfair competition with emergent countries that are flooding us with cheap goods and services regardless of good environmental practices or social benefits these populations should enjoy, like in rich countries. Beyond this spurious assessment hinge the even more fallacious concept of reciprocity that justifies a new form of protectionism and trade tariffs. The last blow to international trade stems from Brussels and its decision to tax imports of Chinese solar panels – from 37% to 68% – even though this could beget a trade war.