European Union finance ministers failed to reach a deal last week on this controversial issue. Germany and France are at odds about costs distribution. The Banking Union is at stake since this law on rescuing and closing banks in the EU is a key point. The problem is to know who is going to decide what will happen to a failing bank and who will pay for it.
Sylvain C
110 Billion Euros Waste: The Cost Of Inefficient French Government’s Assistance to Companies
The French Government supporting private companies thanks a system of financial assistance: what an economic heresy! Yet, over the last thirty years, it has become the creed for French Governments, whether conservative of leftist. Four figures are to be pointed out:
In which country would you live best? In France, amid interventionist politicians and cocooned by a Big Government? Not at all… The last OECD data about the well-being in the…
“If I have less money, I shouldn’t spend less but tax more”. That is exactly what the French President François Hollande and his Government are doing. Economic principles are obviously upside down. That is the result of socialist economic policies denying reality: the French budget was established on the assumption that taxpayers would continue to spend money as if there were no crisis and as if tax revenues were some kind of annuity. This error can be lethal for French taxpayers.
Why would you stay in a country where there are more than 200 types of taxes? And in which taxes are piled up and never removed. If French President François Hollande and his government want to fight against tax havens, French taxpayers and entrepreneurs are battling against the daily tax hell they are living in.
Over 30 to 35% og GDP, except in Scandinavian countries, taxpayers refuse to cover public spending over a 70% threshold. Governemts that have high public spending are entrapped in deficit and debt. Stimulus policies failed. True economic stimulus can be found by less regulation and less public intervention.
OECD data are used for population, GDP, employment, working time, investment, trade, spending, revenues and debt.
Read study : Relance et Croissance
The IREF with “Contribuables Associés”, the largest French taxpayers association, published a study showing how fiscal pressure destroys employment. The main figures of the study reveal the Government lethal action on companies and jobs:
– 12.2 bn € of new corporate taxes
– Tax burden making a 0.5% GDP decrease
– 99.500 jobs destroyed in 2012, 160.000 scheduled t be destroyed in 2013
– 70.000 jobs destroyed because of tax burden increase in 2013
– 21.5% in big companies and 78.5% in middle and small business
Read the study in French: La Boîte à outil de François Hollande détruit l’emploi
Competitiveness is embedded in the private sector. Employment is created only the private sector. Wealth increases through the private sector. No public intervention can manage to replace the private sector, no Government know how to make business and money. As a consequence, the real economy of a country relies on its private sector, not on the Government. Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho understood this fact and decreased dramatically corporate tax from 25% to 7.5%.
In a recent post, Nicolas Lecaussin is pointing out that tax consequences can be studied as in a lab: some American States can be observed. Taxes were lowered in thirty States. If they gather only 20% of the US population, they have created 65% of US jobs.
“A recession can be a good time to grow a business”. Thus is the opinion of Lord Young, a British cabinet minister under late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and still having his own office in Downing Street. Lord Young’s comments are stated in a report to be published this week and addressed to Prime Minister David Cameron. It is obvious that Lord Young stands for a “creative destruction” and is actually stating an economic truth. But truth is not always welcomed by unions and especially by the Trades Union Congress.