Since their revival in the late 19th century, the Olympic Games have captivated global audiences. Cities often compete eagerly to host the Olympics, driven by promises of economic growth, infrastructure…
government spending
As emphasized in June, the law establishing the Italian universal-minimum-income programme (RdC) also puts the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies — the same authority that advocated its adoption —…
WP 2013-05. Executive Summary Although it is generally agreed that government size has a negative impact on economic growth, it is also manifest that the intensity of this causal relationship…
Richard Durana, Ph.D, director of Institute of Economic and Social Studies (INESS) has annouced that INESS released the Receipt for Government Services for 2013.
The annual price of the state for Slovakia increased by EUR 322 (7.3%) and reached EUR 4,704 per citizen.
The times when Germany was the symbol of fiscal probity seem far away. The German Taxpayers’ Association (BdSt) publishes each year its “Black Book” providing an overview of government waste which makes Darth Vader look like a choirboy in comparison.
This is the estimation of lost output for every dollar of government spending that made the University of Chicago’s professor Harald Uhlig in a paper published by the American Economic…
The Negative Consequences of Government Expenditure – Jeffrey Miron, Mercatus Center, 2010
Does Government Spending Stimulate Economies? – Veronique de Rugy & Jakina Debnam, Mercatus Center, 2010
Why Government Spending Does Not Stimulate Economic Growth: Answering the Critics
Despite decades of repeated failure, President Obama and Congress continue to promote the myth that government can spend its way out of recession. Heritage Foundation economic policy expert Brian Riedl…
In this CF&P Foundation video entitled, “Deficits are Bad, but the Real Problem is Spending,” Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute explains that huge deficits and skyrocketing debt are rightly causing worry, but these are merely symptoms of the real problem of excessive government spending. “Fiscal responsibility is lacking in Washington.